my new gaucho :-)

Sep 21, 2007
here is my second gaucho. i had a olive single gaucho which i just couldnt fall in love with!! so i sold that one and just got this little gem:biggrin:
introducing my denim gaucho!!!
Looks fab - congratulations! I've been wondering about the denim gauchos several time when I've seen them on *bay. Thank you for the modeling shots, it looks great on you!
now this bag is perfectly sized for me and its smaller than my single flap gaucho, so is this a smaller version of the double gaucho???

Yes I think this is the smaller double saddle version. Spielberg once made some comparison pics of 2 of her DS Gauchos (a red one + a denim one like yours). You could really see the difference in size.

She looks fab on you!!!! Congrats! :nuts: