My Limo Sloane finally arrived...


Shopping Addict
Mar 1, 2006
I finally received my Limo Sloane yesterday after weeks of searching for this highly coveted bag. Only problem is I don't think it's the right bag for me. It's a lot boxier than imagined and the drop under the arm is a bit uncomfortable. I am very petite so the bag seems to overwhelm me. The color is a lot richer than I imagined. Oogiewoogie, is the pic of your bag pretty close to the actual color or would you say the color is darker in person? My bag seems to be much darker than your Sloane. Don't get me wrong, I love the color but was wondering why the color between the same bag in the same color would be so different.

All you BV addicts who own a Sloane, please give me some feedback on the bag. Does it "hang" better once things are placed in the bag and does the leather become softer with use? I really want to love this bag and I'm hoping it will grow on me but I think I'm going to need some advice from tPF. I will post pics as soon as I can. HELP!!! :confused1:
Hi Chloegrl!! I was wondering when you were gonna receive it~! as far as the boxy'ness... it does droop down after a week. The leather gets softer as every day passes, and as it softens, it wont look as boxy. (I know what you mean!) So no need to worry ;) As far as the color.. I did take the picture with the flash on, and in different lighting the bag does seem to look darker or lighter. Like right now, as I'm looking at the bag in the room.. it looks darker (taupeish, greyish, beigiesh) because its not in a bright area. The mauve lining.. is beautiful huh? As far as having it under your shoulder.. I have noticed that it's more difficult to keep the bag on if you're wearing a thick jacket or sweatshirt. But I've figured out 2 ways of using the bag, throwing the bag over your shoulder & keeping the majority under your shoulder ( avoid brushing the bag into corners or dirty cars.. like I have because of its size!) or wearing it like a Veneta and smashing it w/ your arm. Geez, so much to say about 1 accessory huh? I really like the color though, its extremely versatile, and I found a protect-ant for it that you can buy locally in LA & so far the bag is doing great. Well, CONGRATS!!!! you have 1 lovely lookin' bag... :yes:
Congrats on receiving your Sloane chloegirl! I'm sorry to hear that it's not quite what you expected. Live with it for a few days, fill it up with your usual accessories/items and wear it around the house. I had the same dilemna with my Balenciaga Matelasse, and now it's one of my favorite bags!

At the end, it's about how comfortable you are with it, IMHO, no point in keeping a bag that you don't love. If the Sloane doesn't work, there are other beautiful BV styles to choose from! Good luck.
Congrats on finding the much coveted Limo Sloane! Yay!

I would really, really love to see pics! I am waiting for my Limo Ball bag to arrive and your pics I'm sure would keep me going! ;)
Oogiewoogie, which protectant are you using and where can I get it?

Balchlfen, congrats on your new Ball bag. I was seriously considering a Ball bag too. Please let us know when you receive it.

I will post pics soon. I just have to look for my camera and get it charged. I will "play" with the bag for a few days and let you gals know if she's a keeper. :smile:
Congratulations!! Yesterday in the Charlotte NM I saw the Sloane in Limo and put it on my shoulder. The "boxiness" as you say, surprised me too, so I'm glad to hear that changes with a little use. I was there today and don't remember seeing it so I wonder if it sold. I couldn't believe it was there.
Chloegirl, the Protect-ant I use is from the The Walking Company which can be found in a lot of SoCal malls. There's one Manhattan Beach or Southbay Galleria. It's there rain & stain repellant leather protectant. "Use for fine leather, suede, nubuc, athletic shoes, fabric shoes & bags." It doesnt make it any darker, and its not oily. But spray/ mist from a distance though. I cant locate this product on there web page though Hope that helps~! Good luck on your decision.. try not to stress~! hahah
I was having the same problem when I got mine. See this thread

I just wasn't in love with it to keep. So I sent it back. It does drop and feel better with stuff inside. I didn't like the bones on the edges that made it stiff. The opening seemed small for such a large bag.

If it works for you then keep it. It is a beautiful bag. Just not the right one for me.

Good luck deciding. I kept looking at the box waiting for the DHL guy to pick it up wondering if I made the right choice. I couldn't justify keeping it with the little quirks I found with it.

Out of all my BV I'd have to say I like my Ball the best. The feel, size, compartments and look just do it for me.
Thanks Oogiewoogie! You're always so helpful. Anyhoo, I took some pictures of the Sloane and tried to capture the true Limo color but it was very difficult. I also took some pics of myself with the bag but they didn't turn out very well but I posted a few anyway. I never claimed to be a photographer. :P Please excuse my lazy laundry weekend wear as I was way too tired to change into anything cuter.


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chloegirl, you totally rock the Sloane! I don't think it overwhelms you at all and it should slouch and soften even more with time and usage. I have the Limo in med Veneta and I agree the colour is pretty hard to capture in photos.

I have tried the Limo Sloane in person and also seen it in action on others. IMO, it's a stunning bag that always attracts second or even third glance. However, if you're not really feeling it, there's always another bag out there for you. Afterall, these bags are pretty costly to be sitting in the closet only. Good luck. :smile:
Congrats on getting the bag! The limo color is light at the beginning and will age into a darker shade as time goes by. That's what I noticed on the 2 cabat bags I saw at the store.
:yahoo:Goodness me - that bag looks gorgeous on you!

Wow! I love it on you but if you're not "feeling" the bag then it is an awful lot of money to not be 100% happy :yes:

Thanks for posting the pics. I will do the same when my Ball bag in Limo arrives :heart:
The Sloane looks great on you, and I agree with mspiggy that it doesn't overwhelm you visually. Maybe if you give yourself a week to carry your life around in it and let it break in and grow on you, the decision will make itself. It really is a beauty, whatever you decide!