My Journey with Back of Head Augmentation in Korea

Thanks for your answer and sorry for my late reply

I asked Dr song for an online consultation but he said they don't do it and asked me to keep in touch via emails and I send him my first email long time ago

I explained him my case ( I won't share here untill I arrange my surgery with him / but can dm you )

And I have been still waiting for his response and actually I just sent him another email after I got your advice thank you again
Thanks for the updates. Good luck:smile:
Thank you very much for sharing your experience

Did the doctor mention whether skull implants in children are replaced with larger ones later on?

Did he suggest burring the bones in the area of the face or just implants?
He never mentioned if the implants are replaced
But I assume it’s not. I think they only do head surgery when the head is nearly finished growing or 100%

I think he mentioned fillers or actual surgery for the face
Thank you very much. I hope that in these almost 20 years there will be proven and safe procedures available for our children...
Dr dunaway mentioned that many years ago there was no implants or bone cement and in 20 years time there will be more out there. The back to sleep started in 1992 that means more people will want skull surgeries and hopefully more people will come to this forum
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Hello guys i follow this forum for a very long time but the real question is is bonecement actually safe ? And what on the long term? Can please someone reply that have the knowledge about bone cement i know people have this procedure done but what on the long term and what if something happens u cant fly across the world the people who have done we dont know how it goes with them so please someone who has the expierence with it or has done it can reply?
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Hello, to anyone who has had the bone cement is there any update if it seems sustainable or any problems? also if someone has followed this forum and has heard anyone else mention anything would be appreciated.
Also if anyone has found another practice that can also do milling/ burring to reduce protruded side as well as bone cement?
Hey I have been to dr. Dunaway from London, probably where @picturewords also is talking about. He is a very kind and understanding man. He has big knowlegde and im sure he can help you very well. Could u sent me some pics in private chat?

However for me he thought it was probably not worth the risk and plagio was quite mild. But i still got a CT scan and I think it doesnt look bad, but also not good. After the CT I received a quote from 22k euros all in if I want to proceed and then he can fix it nicely. Im thinking about it but dont think I will pay that amount of money.

Also im talking to a surgeon from Mexico! I think he also is very good in this job and he is much cheaper (9k usd all in!) I think I will go with him to correct it. Does anybody know of him?

this is his website:
I remember contacting David Dunaway too and was given similar price for the operation, which is quite high. As well I can't seem to find much information online about his work plus he charges a sizeable fee for initial consultation. Did you have to pay that in order to get his opinion too?
I remember contacting David Dunaway too and was given similar price for the operation, which is quite high. As well I can't seem to find much information online about his work plus he charges a sizeable fee for initial consultation. Did you have to pay that in order to get his opinion too

I paid 450 pounds for consult and 600 pounds for CT scan. Follow up on CT and opinion was "free".
My 6cm long scar healed very well, but is noticeable for sure (5 months post op) and I am balded! Its not because it is reddish, but because its slightly sunken. So depending on the angle of light the scar can visible more or less due to being a bit more sunken then the skin around it. However NO ONE who does not know about my surgery has ever mentioned my scar! Not even people who have known me for ever did notice the change and that there is a scar all of a sudden. That said I would not worry too much about a scar that size on the scalp. There are many treatment options tho. You can put hair pigments on the scar, rise the scar with fillers / fat, transplant hair on it, use laser etc. - and if you have full hair (what I guess) how should this lil scar bother you at all since it would be covered by the hair around it
How did you do since the surgery? Did you have any adverse reactions or issues? Are you still happy with the result?
It's only been like 6 months, the scar is still very noticeable and even then I wouldn't go back to pre-op, the surgery gave me the peace of mind I needed for more than a decade even if it's still not as big as I wanted. Definitely recommend it
How did you do since this post? Did you have any issues or regrets?
Would you do it again? Thanks
No you're not bothering me at all! I like yourself had many questions as well and had I not found out all of this through questions and research then I would not have gone ahead with it when I did.
With the hair I didn't lose much if any at all. I just had a shower not long ago and tried to find the scar and couldn't find it. I have long hair so if you do also you would probably find it hard to see it.
It feels absolutely normal and I was able to sleep on my back once I had the bandage removed but I was just being careful as it was still sensitive after only 2 days post op but now it feels like I never had anything done. Also I wash my hair as normal but am careful not to dig my nails around that area just incase and only because Dr Song told me that it may be sensitive for the next 2 weeks after I had the staples removed. It's already been over 2 weeks but I guess I just want to be extra careful for now and it's become a habit lol.
Doctor Song told me not to do any intense exercise but I can't remember how long he said for. Sorry but I do remember reading on here from someone that was talking about not being able to do boxing or something like that.
It feels like normal when I touch it but rounder of course and that makes me happy :smile: and you can use the hairdryer as normal. I used it as soon as I was allowed to wash my hair which was 4 days after surgery because Dr Song told me it was okay to
I’m thinking about Jogak.
How did you do since this post? Any issues or regrets? Would you do it again? Thanks