I just bought my first Chanel - medium classic in lambskin. It's about 15 years old - gently used - and was gathering dust in the seller's closet. It is beautiful and I am in LOVE!! Initially, the seller's husband didn't accept my offer and I said I had to think it over since I had reached my daily withdrawal limit. We parted and I was debating if I should call a friend and borrow the rest of the money or just let it go. I rationalized the lower offer price because it doesn't come with authenticity card, dustbag or anything.
5 min later, the seller called me and accepted my offer. I almost burst into tears!! The seller said it's only gathering dust in her closet, she can use the money and she thought I'd give it a good home.
As I was driving home, I thought of the other purses I now want ....I think I've been bitten by the Chanel bug and will need a second job!
I just bought my first Chanel - medium classic in lambskin. It's about 15 years old - gently used - and was gathering dust in the seller's closet. It is beautiful and I am in LOVE!! Initially, the seller's husband didn't accept my offer and I said I had to think it over since I had reached my daily withdrawal limit. We parted and I was debating if I should call a friend and borrow the rest of the money or just let it go. I rationalized the lower offer price because it doesn't come with authenticity card, dustbag or anything.
5 min later, the seller called me and accepted my offer. I almost burst into tears!! The seller said it's only gathering dust in her closet, she can use the money and she thought I'd give it a good home.
As I was driving home, I thought of the other purses I now want ....I think I've been bitten by the Chanel bug and will need a second job!