*******midnight REVEAL tease :P *******

Very pretty colors and a lovely exotic! Thanks for sharing sleepy.
Thank you:smile:

Love all your sale purchases! The black crystal python ADs and fram suede declics are tdf! And congrats on finding your HG!
These are black watersnake AD, not python, i wish those are python, lol

congrats! Love all your new shoes!
Thank you:smile:

Sleepy, love them all! BTW, we are the same size

What is the heel height of your AD's? They seem shorter than the AD's I have.

NM, I just looked at your photo and saw they are 100's. They are gorgeous!
Yep shoe size twin, these are 100mm, my most comfortable pair:P

Amazing purchases!!! Congrats!! I am in love with your RB Open Lips. I saw this shoe IRL and it is just gorgeous! You gave me a heart attack because your initial pic of your black WS AD 100 made me think that LV had gotten in their python crysal ADs!!!

Wear them in great health!
I definitely will! lol, i thought those were black crystal python in my first sight too, a girl can dream:girlsigh:

Great family!!!
Thank you:smile:

Thank you:biggrin: I love my HG!

Thank you ladies! I'm glad that you enjoyed my reveal!
All fabulous purchases! Congrats!
Thank you Sarah:smile:

They are all gorgeous! And look great on you!!
Love the ADs! :love:
Thank you:smile:

How did I miss the Declics at Shoe In?! They're fab! And the colour on those Open Lips... :swoon: Great haul!
Thank you! yeah, i was lucky to find the declics at Shoe In, but i missed out on the very prive on sale there.

Congrats! Love your family pic, they are all very beautiful!
Thank you:smile:

WOW! Great Haul!! My favorite are definitely the open lips!! The AD's are my second fav!! Congrats!
Thank you, those are my top two as well:biggrin:

Awwwooooooo! These are gawjus (not gorgeous but gawjus!!) :smile:
Thank you gorgeous:smile:

Great purchases! Love the color of the Big Lips and your AD's are so beautiful!
Thank you:smile:
Great haul! The declic are my favorite. I work in Vegas so the shopping temptation is high.
Oh wow, then you definitely work in a paradise:graucho: I can't wait to visit vegas again! Didn't do enough gambling last week:P

what a great haul!! I love the black watersnake ADs, I think 100 is a great hh!! congrats on your HG missy!
Thank you:biggrin:

I LOVE them all!!!! Congrats!!!
Thank you!

wow oh wow!... the open lips are stunning! I LOVE THEM! Congrats on your haul.. we share the same size almost..:biggrin:
Thank you shoe size twin:biggrin:

Love the black watersnake ADs!!! Were those on sale or full price? And if you don't mind me asking how much were they?
Those were on sale! can you believe it? I feel so lucky:biggrin: i paid around $710 including tax.

Holy Open Lips!!
:biggrin:Thank you Nolia.

Beautiful choices! Congrats!
Thank you jenny:smile:

Amazing haul! The color of those open lips is just TDF!
Thank you!

OH yay, they are all fab! congrats!!!
Thank you!
Thank you:smile:

congrats on your new additions, kitten!
Thank you:smile:I almost thought I found your black crystal python ADs

I love all your new beauties!
Thank you:smile:

Beautiful rainbow collection!
Thank you:smile:

Great finds! The AD's :girlsigh:
Thank you:smile:

Water snake AD 100's!! You did well with all of them. Congratulations!
Thank you:smile: