I like both bags but can't have both and they are almost the same price. I just went to eluxury and the Manhattan GM is selling for $1870. Is this bag worth the money? What do you that have the bag think of it? Also, I can't buy the bag until april.
I love Fendi Spy bags, but I prefer the manhattan. I see a lot of fake Spy bags like from Wet Seal and other stores that copied the design. I know there are fake Manhattan running around but I have yet to come across a GM one.
i have both. and i them both.... but i think i love my spy a wee bit more cuz it's soooooooooo super comfortable to use. i'm actually looking to get anther spy.
what spy are you thinking of getting?
you can get a used one on ebay for a lot less than retail so you can buy BOTH!!!!
Oh no! Sorry to hear that Michelle! What was wrong with it? I'm usually a LV fan, but was 'thinking' of getting one.. Do you mind sharing your experience?