MAC cosmetics

xgianna6921x said:
I work for mac and let me tell you the "A Muze" collection is worth buying trust me the colors are amazing on. And i don't know if anyone told you that you can wet the shadows. That will give you more pigment. And the shadows go on like silk. All you have to do is wet your brush with water or you can use "Fix+". Trust me buy all the shadows they are great.

wow!!! thanks for the advice! i'm definitely going to reconsider pronto! the new A Muse collection comes in today (we're behind in this side of the globe) i wouldn't miss it, especially the MSF & eye shadows!
mocean said:
I'm in need of buying some more MAC pigment tommorrow- thinking about picking up the golden olive... yum!

All the pigments are great. Other good ones are blue brown, old gold, copper sparkle, teal, pink bronze, cornflower the list goes on. If you don't have oily eyelids get "Lucky Jade" or "Overcast" shade stick to go with your golden olive. Works great as a base. And give you a unbelievable color.
o0o0o cool! thanks for the tip! I have blue-green grey eyes, so I tend to wear a lot of violets, pinks, oranges, coppers, golds, chocolates and blacks... I havent tried a jade before- that might be fun! thats sort of why i'm thinking of the golden olive color- a new contrast!

I'm kind of a rocker chick- so I wear a lot of metallic eyeshadow with a nude lip most of the time. kind of my trademark... I just discovered foiling this month. I'm offficially obsessed!
mocean said:
o0o0o cool! thanks for the tip! I have blue-green grey eyes, so I tend to wear a lot of violets, pinks, oranges, coppers, golds, chocolates and blacks... I havent tried a jade before- that might be fun! thats sort of why i'm thinking of the golden olive color- a new contrast!

I'm kind of a rocker chick- so I wear a lot of metallic eyeshadow with a nude lip most of the time. kind of my trademark... I just discovered foiling this month. I'm offficially obsessed!

Your welcome. Anytime you have any questions just ask. I would be happy to help. I work for mac so i have a lot of tricks.
I love Mac too! I also swear by the blotting powder!! Think the lip glasses are great - not too sticky. Also love the bronzing powder in golden and their lip conditioner with SP15!!

I also buy something when I go to their counter - just can't stop myself!!
Hubby and I went to see Pirates II yesterday (second time for me) and we sat through the exhorbitantly long credits because there is a little "surprise" at the end if you are willing to wait...anyway, apparently MAC supplied all the makeup for the film. I thought that was exciting! I love my MAC collection!
i checked out A Muse, but not all of the eyeshadows came in, only 2 eye shadows, 4 fluidlines, and 2 msf... i really love the eyeshadows, it's so easy to apply and the metallic colors are absolutely gorgeous, must collect them all! thanks for the advice, xgianna6921x! =) MAC is never a disappointment!!! =)