I've reprinted a couple of your earlier posts and have to ask where are you buying your bags from? If they are not authentic LV bags, I'm not surprised you are having difficulty with the quality. If they are actually purchased from the Louis Vuitton boutique I would take them back there and ask about the problems you are having. However your first post was complaining that your bag was too hard and not like the bags in the boutique. Your second post talked a small store you found that sold Louis Vuitton (when there are no other stores except LV boutiques - both stand alones and some in very select high end department stores like Nieman Marcus). So, anyway, I'm really confused. Let us know where you purchased your bags and perhaps we can help.
Here's your earlier posts:
Finally bought my first LV messenger bag!! It's a beautiful PM Bosphore and I think it's absolutely amazing! Very handy and practical! However, the leather of my new bag is kinda hard and not as soft and shiny as the ones displayed in the Louis Vuitton store. Mine looks a bit dull compared to the really shiny ones in the shop. What does this mean? Sorry I'm just wonderin
I was passing by Crescent Avenue this morning and there was a small store that sold new kinds of Louis Vuitton bags. I was going to buy it, but I wasn't sure if it's a fake or not. The bags are typical monogram canvas, but gold and silver stripes are painted at the sides and there's a multi-colored scarf tied around a loop at the front of the bag. It looks real classy and I wanna buy it for my girlfriend for Valentine's. Has anyone heard of this bag before?? I'm gonna try and take a pic of it tomorrow. The store owner said its the new "Glamour" Collection.