I don't have any LV shoes, but I have 2 pair of high heeled Manolos and neither are comfy at ALL. I also have a pair of flats that are, though.

I wear pumps most of the time (like every day) and I wear Claire by Life Stride (boring, I know I know) but you could run a mile and play basketball in these suckers! I have them in every color! So I wear them everyday for work, shopping at lunch, errands after work and I usually end up cooking dinner in them before I even change clothes.

Other than that, the only other really comfy dressy heels I have are Farragamos...for going out. (Like THAT happens very often anymore. *bummer*)
Thanks everyone for sharing,

Hmmmm, for the price of these shoes- I thought I would feel like walking on air or something when Im wearing them :thinking:. I guess I would have to settle for my old Kenneth Coles which I find to be really comfy for a fraction of the price--
I have tried both on but don't have any b/c I never found any I liked that were comfy enough. I don't really wear pumps/stilettos though, I like wedges, platforms, or flats. I'm also very prone to blisters so I usually go for shoes made with softer materials, nothing stiff and nothing with a hard foot base.