Food Looking for custard reciped for Taiyaki/Obanyaki/Dorayaki


Jun 11, 2006
Hello, I've been searching all over the internet for the custard filling recipe for Obanyaki, it's the same one that is often used in Taiyaki and Dorayaki, but I can only find red bean recipes. Does anyone happen to know how to make this? Thank you in advance! :yes:

**Sorry for the typo, it should say"recipes" not "reciped"
Ahh I never thought I would find this here!!! :yahoo:Would one of you mind PMing me the custard recipe please?

This has absolutely made my day! I was worried I wouldn't be able to find a good custard recipe mmm. I'm planning on making custard taiyakis and red bean and mochi taiyakis :drool:
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A taiyaki is a Japanese dessert. It's almost like a waffle shaped like a fish with filling inside. The custard filling is always a hit with people I know but there's a ton of different things you can put inside.

Try googling it to get some visuals :smile:
rainedrop10 -- thanks for your PM. I will try to post a translation of the recipe tomorrow. do you need the translation of the entire recipe, or just the custard filling?
Very sorry for the lateness, but set forth below is my rough translation of the recipe.

Flour 330g
Baking powder 25g
Sugar 170g
Honey 2 tablespoons
Egg 3
Salad oil 130cc
Milk 200cc
Vanilla Essence Few Drops

For custard cream filling (For six servings)
flour 25g
sugar 65g
milk 200cc
egg yolk 2
vanilla Essence Few Drops
butter 15g

For red bean filling: (For six servings)
canned Japanese red beans 200g
Whipped cream 1/4 cup


(Preparation of custard cream filling)
1 One
Mix sugar and flour well with egg yolk in a small pan. Gradually add milk, until the consistency is pasty. Cook on low heat until thickened into a cream consistency, stirring the pan over the heat. Once there is a cream consistency, take the pan off of the heat and add butter and vanilla essence
2 Two
Filter the custard crème prepared in One above in a sieve. Keep cool in the refrigerator.
(Preparation of red bean filling)
3 Three
Whip 1 / 4 cup of whipped cream until there is stiff peaks. Mix in the can of Japanese red beans. Keep cool in the refrigerator.
(Preparation of pancakes)
4 Four
Sift the flour and the baking power
5 Five
Mix sugar and eggs, until a thick consistency.
6 Six
Add honey, salad oil and milk into the egg mixture described in Five above. Then, add in the flour/baking mixture described in Four above.
7 Seven
Preheat a "hotplate" to 150C. Pour the batter into a small round shape with a diameter of approximately 8 cm. Once bubble surfaces on the top, flip the "pancake" until both browns sides are golden brown. Should be able to create 24 "pancakes".
8 Eight
Once the pancakes are done, they should be covered so that they do not dry out. Once the pancakes have cooled off, add the fillings prepared above and you are done!
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