Look what crossed The Channel...my first reveal

You bad, bad ladies for enabling me! Let a girl heave some peace of mind!

I agree with you ofcourse, that's why I love coming here :winkiss:
It's just that I'd have to hide any new bag under the bed! DH needs a pause... I could very well do with a Mitzy messenger in oak!!

Today I will take Phoebe into town (to match a grey outfit)!
Your collection has grown quickly doubledutch. Do you have a favourite of have you been using them all?

Tell me about it :nuts:!!
Which one is my favourite? Hmmm... I love them all. I'm saving vanilla Alana for spring and summer, so she hasn't been out much, only to admire and smell :biggrin:. I adore Emmy, who's looking like yummy toffee now she's had her treatments. Use her a lot. Somerset tote is for rainy days, so I guess that would be my workhorse. Jacquetta is a great throw-in bag, lots of space, holds A4 and is beautiful. And funny Phoebe is :heart:. Five is a nice number (although one more, a Mitzy messenger....).

Oops, long answer! Never ask a girl about her favourite bag:biggrin:.

What about you? Do you use them all?
Oh, don't worry KLP!! I can't put my finger on this colour myself ;)
One moment it's pinkish, the next plummish with a bit of oak and it's also salmon. The piping is sort of purple and the stitching pink. It really is a funny Phoebe, but it's a keeper!
Today I went shopping and wore a pink pashmina scarf that brouht out the pink in the bag. I guess I'll be wearing al lot of pink this summer :biggrin:!