King Charles III and Queen Camilla

A nice little break for a 76 year old woman so she can keep up her strength for the next round of duties.

As a 75-year old woman myself, I can appreciate her need for a break. Isn't there a spa somewhere outside the UK that she visits once a year and comes back rested and rarin' to go?

Go ahead, dear Camilla, you've earned it! Have a foot massage or two for me as well. :girlsigh:
The remaining senior members of the BRF are mostly geriatrics so what do you expect? Of the younger generation that was expected to step up to the plate, we all know what happened to Harry and Meghan. And the timing of Catherine’s surgery unfortunately coincided with Charles’s cancer diagnosis, leaving only William in the under 65 crew to handle engagements. Charles really needs to rethink this and pull in more of William’s generation to handle at least some of the engagements that are being postponed left and right. I can’t even imagine how big a backlog there is at this point.
Shouldn't we include Edward and Sophie in the under-65 working royals group? They are both 59 years old.
Meantime Fergie and Eugenie are seen swanning about in the VIP area at the Bahrain GP. It never ceases to amaze me how many freebies the hangers on are able to get. It would be good if the two Princesses could be roped in to do some actual work, although maybe the Prince Andrew proximity is too much?
Eugenie has a job as a director at an art gallery and works with several charities. She co-founded the anti-slavery collective in 2017, aimed at ending modern day slavery and trafficking. She also worked with the Children in Crisis charity that was founded by Fergie. She does her charity work in a private capacity and not as a representative of the BRF, although of course her title helps open doors and with fund raising. Beatrice works at a software company and is Patron of the Northwood African Education Foundation. Since both Eugenie and Beatrice receive no Royal funds and hold down full time jobs, they can’t be expected to be working royals too.