Just curious - Popincourt Haut or Batignolles Horizontal?

I like the BH. My sis has the pop, and I just think it looks a bit too structured, a little boring. I got my BH today, it's still structured, but not too stiff due to the curves. My hubby liked it too and commented that it was a "nice bag." Mind you that LV is his arch enemy!
Well, I think you know which one. ;)

I'm pretty sure that the BH is going to be my next Louis Vuitton bag purchase though, so how about that, they're both great ! :biggrin:
Well to me they are completely different bags. PH is a purse and BH is a tote. So I say it just depends on what you are looking for.

Correct me if I'm wrong ladies, I haven't held a BH in awhile.
Definitely BH, Popin would be my second choice. I use my pochette accessories inside to hold my keys etc. I have alot of stuff that I lug around, such as books, so BH is great.