Jessica Simpson

I am not sure why, but it seems (to me) that everything JS does (for charity), is a PR stunt. It's not just her though. There is a whole list of D-celebs that do that as well. It's almost like "Wait a minute. My name wasn't in the tabloids or on ET yesterday. Let's do something to change that!", you know?

I tend to agree with you. Sure it's a nice gesture but there are a lot of people who donate time/money without having a camera crew with them to make sure they receive credit.
wow!! good for her, she realized that she didn't need it, she knew of someone who did, not just for personal use but for children who probably needed it to get to school and other places.
uhh She's not exactly Oprah haha but okay... *pats her on back* you gave your freebie car away..well done. Could she be the next mother Theresa? tune in next week when she gives the crock pot she got in swag to an African village!

haha ..(just joking around people)
Maybe it was a publicity stunt, maybe it wasn't? I for one am happy that Jessica decided to donate a car (regardless of the fact that she won it or not) to someone, or lots of people in this case, who really needed it
Hey, even if it was just to get on the news, both sides benefited right :P?
I wish I could just give away a car to someone who seriuosly needs it, but all I have to give is my opinion that isn't worth anything to anybody:smile: . Congrats to the children for getting a new car.
i agree and disagree with all kinds of points, but i'm going to have to say good for her.

i am SO not a fan of this ditzy lil chica, but she's harmless really, and some people don't do any charity. so she didn't give them a million dollars. i dont' have a car to donate, and if i did, i would. it's the thought that counts i guess.

i hope she thought about it. you know it made her feel good to help them. i think that's a nice thing. i don't think it was a publicity stunt, period. it took TPF to inform me ;) :yes: she's an okay seed.