Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck

She’s not most women. :coolio:
If SJP and KK can find a good surrogate, I'm sure these two can figure out how to harvest and egg and sperm and have someone else carry a baby for them. On the other hand, do you want to be a new mom at 49?

I have a friend a few years younger than his wife who did carry their first to birth and she was 49 when their son was born. I'm in my early 50s and my DD is graduating HS; so hard to imagine myself regardless of $$ with a pre-schooler. But gee if you're rich and live a long life you could be around and still spry at 78 with a grown child hitting their 30s.

I think we need a arodjlo heir or two. They already have adorable children own their own of course.
I just saw a Spanish interview -recent- she said she wants more children. I think her and Arod will be together for a long time. Probably even marry. I wonder if they will have kids together.
I expect they'll marry before long. And eventually divorce. They're a beautiful couple - perfect match physically. Don't know how much further it goes. Both seem to love the attention the other brings them.