Travel I'm flying for the first time in years

Congratulations for buying your ticket!

My approach is to focus my attention only on what is happening INSIDE the plane. Set aside for later the thoughts about anything connected to outside because that is where the embodiment of your fear (the height, the fear of crashing, turbulence, whatever) resides.

If there is turbulence, just think of it as if you are riding on a bus (the shape is like a plane sorta!), and it's the same sensation as when you go over different street surfaces.

The best you can, just focus on the positive things, or at least the new things you are experiencing inside the cabin.

Hope that helps! When you are back again please come back here to share what ultimately worked for you, okay?
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Sorry to hear about your grandpa, my grandpa also passed away 'cause of cancer. =*(

I've travel at least once a year since I was in Elementary school, I don't quite remember (up till now) if it were ever frightening because half the time I would be sleeping or keeping myself entertained! Just keep yourself entertained and focused on something other than being frighten, and you'll be fine. :smile: