if you want booty implants - please pray this does not happen to you!

Horrible thing to happen...one reason why I have not and never will consider plastic surgery UNLESS somehow I got horribly disfigured!!
^^ I understand that, but to me, the problem isn't the plastic surgery. The problem is not doing the research or bargain hunting.

If you're going to have plastic surgery (for whatever reason) you need to do your homework and THEN make an educated decision.
I feel bad for her too, but then again, she was the one that chose to go on the news in the first place. That's horrible what the doctor did to her! I hope she can get them removed or at least done RIGHT.
:roflmfao::roflmfao: OH MY GOD! Hahaha I'm sorry, but it's so hilarious. It's tragic for that woman though, as she'll probably have a droopy butt forever witht the excess skin and all even if she has them removed. I can't get myself to feel sorry for her though, those implants are HUGE. The doctor should not have done that procedure to her with that size...

I'm still :roflmfao: though.. :nogood:
^^ I understand that, but to me, the problem isn't the plastic surgery. The problem is not doing the research or bargain hunting.

If you're going to have plastic surgery (for whatever reason) you need to do your homework and THEN make an educated decision.

Uh...YEAH, hello!!!! It always amazes me how many women ask me for referrals and their second question is, "Well, how much does he charge?"! My answer is always, "If there is one thing you don't scrimp on it's a plastic surgeon!" Definitely do enough research, see and FEEL (really) a ton of work and make sure your doctor is well versed in your particular procedure. Any great doctor will be happy to refer you to someone he would trust if by chance your procedure is unique and uncommon.
With that being said...............WOW.................what a trip is that monstrosity! I would like my butt a bit bigger but ....wow!
Oh my gosh...why would she agree to go on the news about that???

Because she is looking for someone to feel sorry for her, come forward and do the removal for free. When that type of thought process is probably what got her in that boat to begin with.......exactly why her doctor "can't be found"! Fly by night!
Bahahahahahaha!!!! Too funny!!!