I went to LV today and picked up a little something...

Its perfect Jane!!:love: I want one on my damier speedy...so cute!! btw, I can wait till SF LV is done with their renovations in November...the store is just gonna be awsome!! 2 stories!!:yahoo: Second largest in the country...right behind the NY 5th Ave!!
No, unfortunately it wasn't my regular SA. My regular is Liz but she wasn't working today, ah well.

The catalogues were in a cupboard upstairs, so they have 'em ;)
I'd love to be able to just keep it clipped there, but I think the jingling of the keys would drive me crazy. I just now tied my favorite Coach scarf to the handle instead... (it's the one in the center in this pic)

Aww.. cute !

And yes, I actually clip mine onto my belt loops of my jeans when I go out to bars.. just in case falling down drunkeness occurs !