I inherited some ugly jewels.

I can kind of relate to this whole thing. When my mom's stepmother died, everyone else took the nice things and sent us this HUGE box of ugly costume jewelry.

My mom gave it to my sisters and I and we decided we couldn't just throw it out. So instead, we took it all apart and made it into other things. There were a lot of beaded necklaces that we re-strung, brooches and earrings that we made into hairclips, etc. I've kept some and given some away.

So when my crazy aunts ask us about it, we can say "Oh yeah, I wear that jade necklace allllll the time!" She doesn't need to know the rest of the story.

So, yeah. Hang onto it. Maybe someday you could have it made into something else or give it away.
I think previous posters have mentioned the two most viable options: Keep them and store them away, or have them reworked into something you like. If you sell them you might provoke the enmity of your husband's family.
I think the cuff is not bad. you can definitely style it and show it off.

the pics are blurry but the ruby necklace set looks like pseudo Bulgari style
I like them....they have a vintage look. I'd keep them for now and someday give them to someone who might like them. Too much risk in making your family (including your hubby) feel bad. Maybe later on you can melt them down if you really still hate them and have them made into something else.
I say this b/c I inherited some REALLY UGLY stuff from my husband's grandma when she died. I mean HIDEOUS. 24 K orangey colored yellow gold....very bold and chunky pieces (huge rings, thick bracelets and necklaces.....just icky). But there is deeper meaning behind them and as much as I hate the pieces, I love the sentiment.
OMG Lily 25!
I just realized you are in Athens....and so is my MIL, the one who gave me my hubby's grandma's ugly jewelry!
I swear, my older Greek inlaws wear such big, bold, gaudy pieces it just blows my mind!
Awful, awful stuff....LOL:yucky:
it sound like this family in law has offended you many times by how your mother in law treats you. If shes made it clear that you get the last of the last and worst of the worst get it appraised, see how much u can get for it, if its not worth that trouble keep it. Who cares if you offend them if they offend you. its not like yoiu'll be wearing it so they might never know that youve sold it!
What my mother did was:

She went to a jeweler and had them remade. She made the jewelers keep the same stones and even had them fitted the stones in front of her.

In her opinion and according to the giver, the stones are the important ones.
It is hard to tell from the second picture, but that cuff is beautiful! I would just hang onto them...you really do lose money when reselling jewelry, so it probably would not be worth it to sell. I agree with resetting the stones if the pieces don't appeal to you, but that cuff is gorgeous!
I'd talk to your husband. If he'll go to bat for you in the event the in-laws give you problems, then I'd go ahead and sell them. At most, I'd keep one piece and make sure to wear it around them. There are always excuses in the event they don't see the other pieces and ask.

The only circumstance under which I'd suggest differently is if they really have a family story, rather than just being random family junk. If they have some huge significance, I'd save them and pass them along to someone who wants them more.

And - relatedly - I can TOTALLY understand how you feel about being the last link in the chain in your DH's family. My mother and I weren't even links in my father's family chain... let's just say many holidays would go by and my mother and I would NEVER get anything, even though (a) other in-laws would get stuff, and (b) I'm blood! So to look at the bright side, at least they thought to pass along stuff to you, even if you were the last person.
thanks, for your replies, I thought about it, and decided to keep them for a while (don't want family drama). I 'm thinking of melting them in the future and make a new set of something I like.

Crystalina, I know what you mean... Bulky tasteless gold jewelery is the vice of older Greek generations, and we have to endure their lack of taste.