I purchased a bag from a supposedly respectable seller. The bag arrived with a loose thread (see picture). I brought it to the LV store to see whether the bag is authentic and to see if they could fix it. The SA said they haven't seen bags with nylon thread for a while so they don't know but they would sent it in and get a estimate. I emailed the seller and she said she could fix it for me if I mailed the bag back to her. I don't want to mail a bag costs me $400 plus shipping back and forth so I told her I would wait for LV to call me. LV called today and said it would cost $75 to fix it. I emailed the seller again and I'm waiting for her reply!! I'm asking her to share the cost. I'm just wondering, with such a reputable seller, why is this information (loose thread) not disclosed in the description? You can't possibly miss that. It's obvious. If this could be fixed, why didn't she fix it first before listing? Am I suppose to not say anything in the feedback? I just don't think I can honestly say it's a great transaction!