I finally did it....


Aug 20, 2006
Hi everyone....i've had a black oval clutch for about a year now and never used it....So I finally decided to send it out to sell. I know I never used it and I kept telling myself it was a imposssible item to get..but I guess it wasn't enough to get me to keep it. Has anyone sold something, almost regretted it then was happy with their decision?? It isn't up for sale yet I can still get it back...but I just do NOT use it .. ever...clearly I need some help...

thanks everyone
If you don't use it, sell it or give it away:smile: You might miss it for a little while, but if you're not going to use it, there's no point keeping it around. If I haven't touched/used something in a year, I'd get rid of it, I look at it this way...if I didn't wear this outfit or carry that purse for 2 seasons, then I'm not going to use it anyways:smile:
If you've never used it and had it for a while, there's no sense in keeping it. You could use the funds you would get in order to get something else you really want or could use.