How old were you when you started your graduate school program?

this is something that i have been thinking too. i'm 28 and have thought that perhaps i let too much time go by. but i really want to do it but wanted to wait before i truly know what field to get it in. i don't wanna make a mistake!

I started graduate school when I was 24. It's never too late to start! There were people in my program who were younger and older then me and it didn't make a difference to anyone what age they were.
I started when I was 20 (I finished highschool at 17, and my undergrad degree only took 3yrs). I did the first semester full-time on campus, then took the second semester off as I was moving overseas. Picked it up a semester later and finished the rest of it as an external part-time student.

On Thursday I will graduate with my Master of Health Science :biggrin: I could have finished it a lot sooner but with living overseas, working full time and travelling around the place at the same time, I wanted to take my time

Good luck with your degree!
I will have just turned 25 when I start my ph.d this fall. I graduated in 2005 and spent the past few years working. It was the best thing I ever did. I feel that I definitly know that I want to take this step, and I think it showed in my applications and interviews.