** How high are your Louboutins today **


Aug 19, 2008
Ok here Is the Formula to calculate the perfect Heel High for the Louboutins of the day :P and night ;)

h= ([ p (y+9)L ] / [ (t+1)(A+1)(y+10)(L+30) ])(12+3x/8)

h = Your ideal heel height

p : How sexy are your high Heels?
(0 = About as sexy shoes, such as "Birkenstock")

(1 = So hot that all men :drool: over)

y: Your experience with Wearing high-heeled shoes in years.

L: The price of your shoes British Pound (1$ = 0,6132£ = 0,6667€) :girlwhack:

t: The number of months Since then the shoes were in vogue.
(For current trends = 0)

A: The number of glasses of "high-proof Alcohol" which you plan To drink, in the evening, when you wear the Louboutins. :drinkup:

x: Your shoe size (35=2 36 = 3, 37 = 4, 38 = 5, 39 = 6, and so on).
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:lolots: Dani you are a GENIUS!!! I adore your calculation. I'm getting 0=flats for my friend's upcoming hens night!!!! :lol: :shame:

My shoes are very sexy but the alcohol I'll be consuming outweighs everything else!!!
Hi sexy Louboutin ladies! :graucho: Tonight I'll have on my black deva fringed boots!
Heel 12 centimetres....YAY!

I'm so in love with these shoes!!!:kiss:

Are these shoes comfortable? I'm contemplating purchasing a pair for my upcoming trip to Vegas, but I want to confirm the comfort since I'll be walking/dancing a lot in them. Thanks!! :smile: