How do they do it?

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Also, many people buy bags and do so to make gains in their "buying power" they can eventually get what they really want.

OR...some people just buy and have regret, decide they don't want the bag and/or want to fine tune their they just send to a reseller.
I wonder how the price hikes will ultimately effect the resellers though. Don't kill me but honestly, there is only so much money I think people will be willing to pay for a plain leather birkin, you know.
when i look at the reseller's price for plain leather, I want to just die... but then again, they have the goods that I want.... but if they keep going up, I will just wait and wait tilll I get a call from my SA...
Since there's no actual price list around, I used to go on Ebay to get a price estimate. For the longest time I thought Crocs retail start at $60K plus but then someone said their actually starting at $13/14K.