Hermès "Wildlife" Sightings

Please note:

Wildlife Sightings, mean OUT in the wild' means and NOT in Hermes zoos stores where rare species are so easily found.

Please report images that are just pics of others' bags in H store (as well as for any other posts breaking tPFrules).

If you happen to take a pic of children and can't crop, please make sure you at least blur/obscure the child.

Interesting way of wearing it LOL
I do this once in a (great) while. I usually wear my B open, but if I’m going through a particularly crowded area and am worried about pickpockets, I’ll quickly pull out the flap and latch it over the closure like this to keep roaming hands out. I don’t usually bother with the sangles, though, unless I’m storing my bag (then it goes back to the way the boutique sold it to me, felt protector and all).
I do this once in a (great) while. I usually wear my B open, but if I’m going through a particularly crowded area and am worried about pickpockets, I’ll quickly pull out the flap and latch it over the closure like this to keep roaming hands out. I don’t usually bother with the sangles, though, unless I’m storing my bag (then it goes back to the way the boutique sold it to me, felt protector and all).
Oh... that's a good idea for busy places
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