Hermès "Wildlife" Sightings

Please note:

Wildlife Sightings, mean OUT in the wild' means and NOT in Hermes zoos stores where rare species are so easily found.

Please report images that are just pics of others' bags in H store (as well as for any other posts breaking tPFrules).

If you happen to take a pic of children and can't crop, please make sure you at least blur/obscure the child.

She must be really small! A Mini Lindy looks a lot smaller on me. Maybe I need a diet :P
I thought the same! I looked at pics of myself trying one in various poses and it looked small.
IMO, it looks off. It’s like a 26cm with a mini Lindy strap.
Exactly what I was thinking. The proportions are all wrong.

Hi all, your comments makes me question whether it is an authentic Lindy....and I apologize if I’ve post a wrong pic.