Heartbroken! I lost the auction for the royal/brown basketweave MAB! r/o


Aug 14, 2006
I'm so stupid for not watching that auction more carefully, it ended before I could up my maximum bid. :crybaby:
Does anyone happen to know where I can find another one? I know its probably a lost cause, but if anyone can find one, you guys can.:yes:
well there's a MAM in blue/wickerweave...
i know its not the same as basketweave but...
ummm in case u decide u want the wickerweave one, its on FunkyLaLa :smile:

here's one of the pics:
Aw, I saw that auction too and I contemplated bidding on it but I decided not to. I lost an auction for a ring today that I really wanted, I was outbid in the last minute. It's been bugging me all day so I know how you're feeling. Darn those woulda, shoulda, couldas!
I am on the same boat as you, ladies! Well, the auction is not over yet, but the amount it is now is already waaaay outta my league:sad: oh well, better luck next time...:crybaby: