He put in his thumb and pulled out a .....???

Thanks so much ladies. I feel I can throw my stuff into her straight away, take her anywhere, wear anything. I couldn't do that with OL Alexa. I will be trying my luck when the oak appear on MW though as I'm in love with the style.
Jenova, she is amazing. Still has tags attached and hasn't been used. I'm stunned. The colour is more in keeping with the second photo, cutting out the flash. A sort of wine colour.

You have struck really lucky with that one!
Thank you all so very much for giving my latest Roxy such a lovely welcome. I am really thrilled with her, keep looking at her and thinking OMG! I haven't been so taken with a newbie for a long time.
Wow! I love the Roxy style anyway but the plum colour looks ace, it really suits the bag. She looks very feminine, it softens the strong shape iykwim. Glad that you have made a decision re Alexa. Hopefully the perfect colour Alexa is waiting somewhere out there for you xx
Yes, you do! Have you got your eye on anything at the moment? There are to be quite a few bags coming out in the ink colour. :graucho:

Having had the OL Alexa from MW and decided against it, I would like one in ink or oak. Then there's the Darias in ink. I like the look of those too. I think something in blue will definitely join the collection later in the year. Won't be another Roxy though will it? Not unless I'm very very lucky.
Congrats Teddy, I spotted your avatar elsewhere and found this thread!

Plum AG is so lovely, isn't it!? I can't do Roxy but love my Bays - congrats for finding such a beautiful one!