Have you seen the New Bays IRL?????

ali w

Nov 29, 2006
So I just left Nordstroms and I am so not impressed with the leather or look of the "New" Bays. From a distance the leather looks like metallic material( the only way I know to explain it). Also the shape is rather odd a bit different from the original bays. I think I will stick to trying to find the older bays!
Has anyone else seen these bags, if so whats your opinion of them?
The older Bays are the only ones I like as well. I especially don't like the new ones with the crazy contrast color flaps - probably because I don't like the rabbit ears flap zipper pulls to begin with and then to highlight them??? Doesn't work for me.
I haven't seen them IRL, but I really quite like some of the new bays... where are you drawing the cutoff line between old and new bays? Do you mean the new shaped quilted bays and the shopper-shaped bays with the two pieces wrapped around each side? LOL my powers of description are first class, hey! :P