Has anyone found a fradulent listing under their ebay id?

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Jul 25, 2007
Im so freaked out! I went to check my ebay, and apparently I am selling a two wheeled electric scooter of some sort!!! I did the online live chat w/ebay and they said they have cancelled it, but its still coming up under my user id. Apparently I opened some phishing email or something in the My Messages section - I dont remember doing that, but yikes!!! Now Im concerned about my paypal account, but I cant contact them anymore tonight. Has anyone had this happen to them, and was it resolved ok?
Actually, Donna, the same thing happened to my DH. He opened his account to find about 100 pair of fake Chanel sunglasses! ebay took care of it no problem.
Actually, Donna, the same thing happened to my DH. He opened his account to find about 100 pair of fake Chanel sunglasses! ebay took care of it no problem.

OMG that is soo scary. Im glad it turned out ok. The ebay people seemed very efficient and assured me that all was ok, but it still kinda freaky! There was an email address listed in the auction and I asked the ebay guy if I could email them and ask what the hell there were up to, but he suggested I didnt do that!
OMG Donnalynn!! You must have been totally freaked out! I'm going to check mine now.

It was crazy! I just received the nicest email from the person who bought my Julia, about how much she loves the bag, etc, etc, and I was all smiles, then I clicked on my ebay and was like :confused1:. Im sure your account is fine. I just remembered that the other day I posted a Want It Now about the Legacy striped wallet, and I received a response that I clicked on w/an auction that didnt exist. I wonder if thats where it came from? I NEVER enter passwords, cc info, etc, but maybe that was all it took for them to get into my user account somehow?
i signed in on xmas day last year( as i was cooking lunch!) to find my account had been hijacked and i had been selling fake Ugg boots ! thankfully, ebay had already sussed it and had stopped the listings, i just changed my ebay/paypal/email passwords and all was well .have to say i was impressed by ebay for once !