**Happy Birthday Kalison & JoeyJo21**

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I've just finished work so I'm happy to be home (even if it is raining!). I treated myself to a new digital camera (in pink :P ) for my birthday so I'm about to set-up the software for that so I can test it out. I'm having a great day so far with more fun stuff to come. Happy Birthday to Kalison too :flowers:
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! I've just finished work so I'm happy to be home (even if it is raining!). I treated myself to a new digital camera (in pink :P ) for my birthday so I'm about to set-up the software for that so I can test it out. I'm having a great day so far with more fun stuff to come. Happy Birthday to Kalison too :flowers:
happy birthday, my fellow april 23 baby! i hope you have a good one!