Hair Dye Drama - advice needed!


Nov 2, 2006
I went to the hairdresser for light brown highlights (my hair is medium brown) and came out with some light brown highlights and some very light (blonde - I'm talking bleach blonde) highlights (lightest down the back of my partline). I only really saw this when I came home so didn't say anything when I was there. I called them up and have an appt on Tuesday to get it sorted.

I'm just trying to figure out what happened myself. I had a trainee putting the toner in (after the hair was bleached) and she didn't seem to apply it consistently or leave it on for long at all (2-3 minutes), which is perhaps where things went wrong?

Anyone with similar hair dramas please chime in and share your experience!
I went to an Aveda salon in my town, the week it opened up. I think the girl doing my hair was new-ish to being a stylist, because my hair turned out AWFUL! Not the color I asked for, and the highlight were such a weird blondish-brassy color. I went back the next day and they fixed it for free, thank goodness. Good luck, and I hope that you end up with what you want. Just remember- you should not have to pay ANYTHING to get your hair fixed. They tried to make me pay half, and I was not having that. :nogood:
Hi Bella!
It is very probable that the person who put the toner on did not apply it evenly...or the pieces that came out super light were too wet...
Depending on what product was being used could mean a lot. For example, my product only needs to be in for about 6-7min but i must towel dry the hair before applying it. It can't be dripping wet...
You should be able to go in and have it fixed easily!