FACEBOOK, anyone?

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Facebook | Welcome to Facebook!
Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you.

Facebook is made up of lots of separate networks — things like schools, companies, and regions.
You can use Facebook to:
  • Share information with people you know.
  • See what's going on with your friends.
  • Look up people around you.

:biggrin: It's a much better version of myspace. There's more security and it's easier to use.
I saw a thread asking if anyone was a Myspacer, and since I'm not but I have a Facebook, I was wondering if anyone else did.

If you do, post how to search for you here, or PM me! :smile: I'll PM you back with how to find me. I'd love to increase my friends circle, especially on Purse Forum!

If you don't want to add anyone, just post that you use Facebook...no need to explain how to find you :tup: