I know the size that works for me with a handbag. The bottom of the bag needs to be at least 10 - 13 inches. I have a 15" bag ot two and they seem huge. I did return a couple of bags because they seemed too small or too large for my needs. One shoulder bag was 5" deep and was an awkward carry. I try to check measurements on bags I own with a bag I am considering, but it doesn't always work. I feel badly about returns, except I am getting better at it, especially since I quit selling my stuff that I never wore/carried.G: check out the Alto bags. There's a small satchel that's well priced.
Too small for me. But the Oyster color is pretty. I also considered the
tote in the Oyster. I already have it in black. But the price on the tote
wasn't good enough to make me buy another bag I don't need, but just
want. That small satchel is tempting, but I know it just won't work for me.
My ivy florentine satchel just arrived. Nice color! Thanks to all my PF friends that showed pics of their ivy bags and tempted my purchase.