Desperately Seeking Lost Hermes Scarf Replacement

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Jan 24, 2007

I just found your website. I just lost a beautiful Hermes scarf that belonged to my mother.
It was a large square, pale pink silk with a 2" black border. The pattern is small black written letters overall that looks like calligraphy.
If you know of this pattern please let know. I am desperate to replace mine.
Thank you!

Hi and welcome! I am sure one of our more knowledgable ladies will help you out, I don't know much about scarves yet (but am learning every day!).
Baggaholic and Rose, thanks for your welcome and response. I am beside myself for losing this treasure that my Mom gave to me a long time ago. I would guess this scarf was quite old, 50's, 60's, '70's perhaps. Thick silk, beautiful. What I loved best was the letters, like penmanship practice in French, because I am a graphic designer and love typography. Will really appreciate your help more than I can say:smile:
Mara ([email protected])
I am thinking L'Art d'Ecrire as well (aka Arte d'Ecrire)

It is available intermittently on ebay.

Also these guys here can for sure help you find it.

Marietouchet: apparently it is by Philp Dumas (1956) but it is attributed to Trenchant...

It's this one, right?
^Thanks for posting that pic, I love calligraphy :heart: ... took lessons when I was a kid ... that sounds so long ago ... haha ... guess that's why I still write with an oblique fountain pen.
Marietouchet, Rose, hello2703, shoes319, Japster, Addicted,
Thank you all for your information and enthusiastic support. That is definitely it!! I am dizzy seeing it again here. (It was my mom's, she bought it in the late 1950's and gave it to be just before she died).
Would love to buy another and appreciate all suggestions.
Marietouchet, you are amazing!
Hello2703, I will contact today.
Best regards and many thanks.