Culture Shock


Jun 13, 2006
I was thinking about when I moved from the east coast to the west coast, and about an ex who moved from another country to here. We had been discussing culture shock, and how long it takes to get over it. What do you think? What factors would make it easier or more difficult? I think that sometimes with the internet, "other" cultures seem more accessible, but sometimes with even a small move there are social intricacies that require an adjustment period.
I know I had culture shock when I left home for college for the first time. I moved from Long Island (an area of NY, by NYC) to Atlanta, GA and I had never been in a place quite like it. You just know that something is different, even if it all looks similar. It took me a year to become fully comfortable with the idea of living there and I think making friends and exploring the area as much as possible help immensely. What would make it more difficult is not being able to build a network right away.

I think regional social intricacies can be bridged and the contrast between the ones in your hometown area vs. the new ones you learn can be quite illustrative. I'm sure you have great stories to tell now!
i had quite a huge culture shock when i went from tiny maui to boston for college. it was quite a bit to take in. i found that having an open mind about everything helped me alot and i loved living in boston (i miss it from time to time). i have to say that having that kind of experience really shaped my life at that time.
well, when you move from one country to another it is sort of expected - but I wasn't up for the culture shock i experienced when I moved to UK. I thought that it is europe so can't be that different but oh boy was I in for a surprise. I absolutelty miss it now after having been there just shy of 10 years but in the beginning I wasn't sure about it at all.

however, once you experienced this nothing can really bother you - in terms of culture shock i mean. I know now what will happen when I move to another country - which is good I suppose. I do'nt know any way to make it easier though - it is a bit like labour, you know it will come - only the knowledge will make it easier I think.
I had the same move as Janos (only I went from NJ to Atlanta), and it was definitely a culture shock! Going from being a Northern to living in the South was a big difference. It does take a while to get use to a new place, from dialects to simple things like learning the roads (LOL spaghetti junction in Atlanta takes a long time to master!).

I do think it's a lot of fun though! You get to try new restaurants, explore new areas & find new favorite things. And of course-new shopping!
I got a kind of culture shock moving from France to Denmark. It's fair to say "kind of" bc I mean come on it's occidental country, and it's Europe (never too far from home right ?) !.....But obviously the language barrier was huge : I never even heard what danish sounded like before and I couldn't place that country clearly on a map......keep in mind I moved there without knowing ANYTHING about the country !!
when I got -sort of- over that language barrier, then the whole "correct social behaviour" is different :
- Time schedule : French get to work at 9, coffee break at 11, lunch at 1pm, coffee break at 4, and leave work around 6 pm. Dinner 8 pm
Danes get to work at 8, no break until lunch time 11.30 (first time I was "what the hell are they doin with their lunch at that time ??"lol) and leave at 4 pm no matter what. Dinner 6 pm
- being on time : this one is funny !! when you get invited for a dinner party in a french family for 8 pm....the rule is that you show up at 8.30. and then you'll start with a drink etc...won't actually start eating before 9.30 !! In Denmark you are invited for 7 you MUST be on time, because the dinner is ready to be served at that time ! Which caused a few being late and unconsciensly rude, and the Danes showing up at my place while I was not even dressed !
- being polite :while in France we are always saying "excuse me, sorry..." as soon as we accidentally bump into someone or want to walk pass, in DK its normal to just pass by , or even give you a push, without saying anything which I found sooo rude !! and it's not.
- I had to adjust and learn the way the social system and taxes work (fill in your papers and forms when you don't understand a bit of it !!), and in cuisine (huge !!), the Danes being open but cold, being calm and not stressed, (confident) women having so much power over (shy )men , the religion is different, etc......
But I found the key is to be patient and open minded- Moving was my choice, I wanted it so bad so I appreciated every bit of it.
When you grew up somewhere you can't help but compare with your country as a reference thinking that is the norm so.....
Its a shock going from west coast to east coast. I still find myself comparing everything from the roads/highways to the dinning...I must sound like a broken record saying "In California........"
I had a huge culture shock when I moved from Orange County, CA to the Twin Cities, MN. It's just very different and it's more than learning roads and restaurants. It's the actual culture.. how people treat each other.
But I knew when I wanted to exchange some boots at Nordy's and the SA had to call the closest Nordy's in CHICAGO to see if they had them in my size I wasn't in Orange County anymore.