Colecting New LV or Vintage Ones


Apr 12, 2008

I am confused whether to collect new shiny LVs esp the seasonal limited edition ones or to collect previous seasons limited edition ones as the cerises, conte de fes, cherry blossom etc.

The thing is these used LV cost almost if not the same with new ones.

I like my things new, but on the other hand really want these items.

Unfortunately, my budget is limited.

Do you think that LV will come up with cute items like that anymore ?

Thanks for the suggestion !
I think you should buy/collect whatever you like and feel you have to have. I have both new and vintage stuff in my collection. Some used LV is as much as new if you want LE or hard to get stuff, but you can also find some amazing deals on used, especially if you are less picky about patina and overall condition.