Classic Flap, white vs Beige, please help thanks!

White vs Beige, classic flap medium (already have a black).

  • white

  • beige

  • get another black

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i have a white flap and omg it REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYY stands out, i love it.

I'm only imaging how much the lipstick red would stand out if the white stands out so much, sigh can't wait to get my hands on one.

I vote white. Lambskin looks prettier but it's hard to maintain!
WHITE! By the way, white caviar is NOT HARD AT ALL to maintain! I used mine all summer and it looks spankin new. The white they come in is just SO bright that it looks really new all the time. Any jean transfer, no problem, just use a conditioner and it wipes off! I have a white jumbo flap and a medium classic flap. They are that easy to use. And I have 3 kids! Now lambskin is a different story.
I have a white caviar jumbo, and I'm tellin ya the white just pops so much, especially with colored/darker outfits. It's amazing.

I also love beige, but I think you should get the white FIRST and if you still want beige, get that later. I was on eBay the other day and there was an amazing beige medium classic flap (lambskin) for something like $1,200. Great condition. It was a steal!
I just don't think white is as versatile a color as beige. In Chicago where wardrobe is very season, the white flap would look out of place with heavy winter clothes whereas the beige will blend in nicely in summer, spring, fall or winter.
I would have to agree with IntlSet. I think the white or beige color choice is influenced by what part of the country you live in. I'm in New England and still trying to decide. I love both colors but the beige can probably be worn more in New England.