Can you waitlist for Amarante items yet?

Ok, yay I was accepted to waitlist at the store, she said I am on the top! So..yea try to waitlist now for the inclusion stuff (and if a vernis comes later it'll be good cause your already on there and might be able to see any stuff earlier, is what my SA told me)

I guess try stores and then if they don't have one up already maybe start one!
^Thats what I want too!!

LOL Stefania...I can't wait to seet the inclusion either!

Michelle--good idea!! My fav SA (Vanessa) isn't in today, so I might call back tomorrow and have her start the list for me ;)
lol! I'm going to waitlist on Monday. This will be the 3rd time I'll be starting a waitlist for them! I'd waitlist now because I waitlisted the MINUTE I heard about the heart coin purses on here..then I ended up getting 3. I think it pays to be on it the minute you hear about it!

Good luck everyone in getting your pieces! :flowers:
For the Amarante inclusion, I kind of want a GM...haven't really been a fan of chunky bracelet but that clear inclusion GM is :heart: but I don't need another clear bracelet! I also want to see the barrette too!

As for the Vernis...I'll probably get another cles! Maybe agenda too since it's such a dark colour!
If it is more on the purple side when I see it IRL, I will def. get the Inclusion bracelet. Purple is my fave colour :love:

Yes, it looks like a eggplant color (dark purple). One of my favorite colors!! And, I was hoping LV would have a red inclusion and they do!!!

I would love to see a burgandy color as well in the future!!!