Burberry Cashmere Scarf detail question


Mar 28, 2009

I ordered a few scarfs to choose from a few days ago, decided to keep the XL Cashmere scarf from burberry.com but also decided to choose one of the two normal sized cashmere scarves I ordered.

I got one with two different sides for 350€ on sale from burberry.com but would rather take a 300€ on sale check scarf from a famous german online fashion boutique, fashionette.com.

I've read some things about checking if scarves are authentic. The ting is the 300€ scarf looks a little different from the 350€ one from burberry.com. First I've read that the normal sized cashmere scarves have shags (? is that the correct name for the ends of the scarf) at most 7,5cm long, longer ones would be fakes. The one from the fasionette.com has about 8,5cm shags(?). 1cm longer than the burberry.com one. And the instruction/material label looks a little different, not fake, but I checked it and older labels looked similar to this one. I wonder if every normal sized scarf has at most 7,5cm long shags at each end? That would mean this one would be a fake.

The online boutique is one which normally only sells originals and is reliable when it comes to authentic handbags etc.

I would like to keep the fashionette.de scarf much more than the one from burberry.com, both color and design. I would keep it but I'm not 100% sure if it's authentic. I know there is a thread about that problem, I will try posting pictures, not possible at the moment.

Some help would be very appreciated.
