Big Bad Birthday REVEAL, Part 2

:amazed::faint: - I know, I'm kinda late, but still: HAPPY BIRTHDAY :flowers: and many, many CONGRATS on all your lovely gifts! You did unbelievably well and I love your (classic) style. We're Les Clès twins, btw! Enjoy! :smile:
WOW!! D, what FABULOUS goodies!!!! You have such impeccable taste ... everything is truly lovely!!! The doggie charm is perfection on your Bolide!!

I love this photo .... And how the scarf's touch of red coordinates so perfectly with Miss Bolide!

Happy Birthday again, and congrats on all the lovely stuff for your birthday month.

Everything is georgeous and I'm sure you will look beautiful wearing it all.

Congrats and enjoy
Beautiful new shawls and scarves and "toys" too, LGA. What a wonderful birthday you had! Now, please don't tell us that we have to wait for another one to roll around before we're treated with another of your great reveals!

Congratulations on beautiful new things for a beautiful woman. Wear them all in good health and with much joy.
New family portrait with security dog. And one without - don't tell robee, but even the best security dog has to take a break
once in a while (but a very short break).

So glad I came back for another look!! Two more gorgeous scarves and
what a stunning "Family Portrait" Ms. Rouge is leading the rest of the girls!
Bonbon looks like the most elegant Palace Guard I have ever seen, siiting
so tall and proud!! Love the idea of a birthday month, you are such a lovely lady and so deserving of these lovely things! :drinkup: A bithday toast to you!