Bare Legs: What Lotion Do You Use ?

Hands down, it's Mary Kay Visibly Fit Body Lotion. It hydrates 8-10 hours, and minimizes the appearance of spider veins, stretch marks AND cellulite. I swear, it's the best ever. If you don't believe me, do what my friend did... use it on ONE leg for two weeks, and use whatever else you have on the other leg. At the end of two weeks, she looked like she had legs from two different bodies... that's how wildly improved her Visibly Fit leg was! Crazy good results! You could barely see her spider veins anymore. Enough to have me sold.
BagHound said:
Hands down, it's Mary Kay Visibly Fit Body Lotion. It hydrates 8-10 hours, and minimizes the appearance of spider veins, stretch marks AND cellulite. I swear, it's the best ever. If you don't believe me, do what my friend did... use it on ONE leg for two weeks, and use whatever else you have on the other leg. At the end of two weeks, she looked like she had legs from two different bodies... that's how wildly improved her Visibly Fit leg was! Crazy good results! You could barely see her spider veins anymore. Enough to have me sold.

Wowsa....can I buy it online?
janice said:
Try NIVEA silky shimmer lotion. I think its $4 bucks in medium to dark. I have olive skin and my mom is darker and it looks fierce on both of us. It moisturizes and leaves a shimmer. I even put some on my arms.:yes:

I love this product! I put it on my arms, legs and chest. I use it everytime I go out clubbing.