i just called bal NY and they have my city in black!! about to order them but wanted to get some opinoin from you guys.
ive been reading all these posts about new leather and old leather...is there reallie such a big difference? would getting the black city now not be a good idea (since its not as nice as the older one) please help me decide!
im dying for the bag right now but dont want to make a wrong decision!
also - does anyone think the b-bag will go outta style soon? i dont wanna spend 1200 and cant use it anymore lol! :shame:
ive been reading all these posts about new leather and old leather...is there reallie such a big difference? would getting the black city now not be a good idea (since its not as nice as the older one) please help me decide!
im dying for the bag right now but dont want to make a wrong decision!
also - does anyone think the b-bag will go outta style soon? i dont wanna spend 1200 and cant use it anymore lol! :shame: