Anyone use Environ or Skinceuticals?


Jun 23, 2009
I'm thinking of switching to one of these skin care lines but I'm not sure which one. Just wondering if anyone here has used either of these and what your experience has been if you have.

I've used some of Skinceuticals, experience has been pretty average. No complaints. Never heard of the other one. I would focus more on products for certain needs though than a certain line. I have different products from a few different brands because they work best for me.
I use Skinceuticals and I love it. I guess it all depends on your skin concerns. I have sensitive, blemish-prone skin but since using Skinceuticals, no one believes that I actually have skin prone to acne. It makes my skin really healthy and glowy.

If you have normal skin; it may be not be worth spending alot of money on Skinceuticals but if you have some problems, its definitely a good brand for correcting various issues. Just like Schmodi mentioned, I incorporate other brands as well such as a cleanser from Chanel and a Burts Bee's toner but my stronger cleanser, night cream, moisturizers, and serums are all Skinceauticals.
I am in my 40s and thankfully am no longer acne prone. But OMG am I ever hyper-sensitive. I've been using the same skin care line for years - it's called Academie from Paris. I get it from my doctor but she is discontinuing it and bringing in some new lines - one is SkinCeuticals. I've tried everything out there and they make my skin red, itchy, irritated and sometimes even slightly swolen. Fragrances and parabens are the worst.

I hate trying new skin care products because of this. I can try to find this Academie line elsewhere, but it's very hard to get in my area. I contacted the distributor and only one other place sells it and it's about a 40 minute drive.

I don't like the reviews I've read on Environ so I think I'll give the SkinCeuticals a try. Thankfully my doctor will give me samples so I don't have to fork out the $$$ until I know it works for me.
i love their sunscreens and have been using them for yrs. i just recently added their vit c serum. the smell is just awful but it doesn't make me break out and it isn't too much for my sensitive skin.