Anyone had Smart Lipo MPX??

Well, I am back to work today. Tuesday I went in and they gave me a couple of Lorazipam(?), a hydrocodone and an anti-nausea pill and then a nurse came in and made several (5 to be exact) incisions in various areas of my mid section and, with a probe, started filling me with saline and something to numb the entire area. Then the doctor came in and went over the same area with a probe and sucked out the fat. Really weird being awake during this whole procedure. It was a bit uncomfortable, however, nothing really intolerable at all. The entire procedure took 4 hours from beginning to end. I saw how much fat he took out and it was a bunch!! Pretty gross knowing that was all in my body.

When I got home, I was draining like a sieve, soaking through clothing like crazy. The only time I had any discomfort was coming off of the medications. Made me a bit nauseous and I was pretty darn sore. Very hard to sleep because I just couldn't lay any way other than straight on my back (used to sleeping on my side).

Next morning (Wed) felt 100% better and the discharge was very minimal. Went back to the doctors for a check up and to put on my girdle (compression garment). He said that everything looked great and he was very pleased.

As far as the results, even though I am very swollen, I can now see that I have a waist!!! Love the outline of my shape so far and can hardly wait for the swelling to completely go away so that I can see what the end result will be. I have only lost 4 lbs. since the surgery, however the nurse said that that was because of all the fluids they pumped into me and that many women end up gaining weight the following day. According to the nurse that was there with me during the procedure, she said that I should easily end up at a size 8 and maybe even less!!!!

The great thing about this doctor is that he agrees to redo any areas that you are not completely happy with within 6 months after the procedure only charging for the surgical room. So far I am very, very happy and am considering having the area done above where the top of my bra sits (that bulge that pops over your bra). We'll see. I will first try to do some swimming exercises to get those down first.

Was it as non-invasive as I had originally thought? No. Would I do it again? At this point I think absolutely yes (but will re-evaluate once I see what the results yield). As far as pictures, I will ask him for a copy of all the pictures and post them if they are not too graphic for this forum.
Glad it went well. Keep us posted. I am considering this as well. Can you ask him on your next visit if he has any colleagues in San Diego who do this procedure.
^^^ Me too, Bri. I am interested in learning about this procedure and if anyone in SoCal does it.

OP thank you for posting your review.. can you let us know how the results are.. like if the areas operated on are smooth?

Also, how much was the procedure? Thanks
^^^ Me too, Bri. I am interested in learning about this procedure and if anyone in SoCal does it.

OP thank you for posting your review.. can you let us know how the results are.. like if the areas operated on are smooth?

Also, how much was the procedure? Thanks
Sure will. Because I brought in a friend who was also having the procedure, it only cost $4000 total (no additional costs whatsoever). I believe it would have cost over $6000 without having another person having the procedure done.
Glad it went well. Keep us posted. I am considering this as well. Can you ask him on your next visit if he has any colleagues in San Diego who do this procedure.
I see him again in 2 weeks and will ask him. I am pretty sure that there are docs in SD with this technology, just don't know how much they would charge but I will ask him.
Another thing to consider is staying in Redlands and going home the following day after the surgery, it's only 2 hours from SD. It could very well be cheaper in the long run.
Oh, im glad i noticed this thread, I would love to know how you are doing and some before and after pictures.
Keep us updated and hope you are making a great recovery x
Hi everyone! It's been 24 days since my lipo tx and I couldn't be happier at the results that are shaping up (no pun intended).

I really don't have any before pics of me in swimsuits or anything, but will try to find some regular pics so that you can get some idea of my size prior to the lipo.

Here are pics I took this morning of my progress. Keep in mind that I was a size 12 - 14 and had nothing but rolls from my breasts through my stomach.
**MODS - if these are inappropriate, please accept my apologies***

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According to the doctor, the full results will not be complete until 6 months after tx.
As embarrassing as this picture is, it will give you an idea of my size prior to the lipo. I am the fatty in the upper right on the flying bridge of the boat. Hope this gives you some perspective.

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Do you know what dress size you are right now? It looks like you went down to half your size!
Thanks. I haven't tried on any new clothes yet because I want to wait until the final results, but I do know that my old size 10 clothes are a bit large on me.