Anyone Around For a Rayve Review & Reveal?

Ditto for keeping it. This will be a very short production run and then it's GONE!

Westminster won't be going anywhere soon so you can buy it later. I've even seen a couple pre-lvoed pop up.
Ya know... since its at your home and you've tried it on and still on the fence that means you should go get the other bag. When you know, you know. Know what I mean? You either love it or you don't.

So I vote go get the Westminster. :smile:


P.S. What does the Boston think? :smile:

I agree. When I looked at my Rayure at home, I fell in love even more.

My husband even likes it which is kind of rare that he had an opinion..he always just want to know the price. lol
If you have those doubts then this bag is not for you. When you try on a bag and have that awesome "must have it" feeling then thats the one to go with, this doesn't seem to be it.
Personally, I just would not use this as a year round, everyday bag. I can see wearing this bag everyday if I lived in a tropical/sunny type of climate but here where I live, nah.

But then again I don't use my Azur bag in the winter either but it's fine that others do..but I see it as more of a summer type of look.

Personally, if I wanted more "bang for my buck" I'd get a monogram...but that's just me.

ps. that bag appeals to me VERY much because I own the Neverful GM. Its was not a hard decision for me at all...but if I were looking for a bag to wear everyday..this would not be it, honestly speaking.

:yes: My sister said just about the same thing, being in the Midwest and all, and really wanting more bang for the buck, thus she returned hers. I kept mine and will carry it during the time that I usually carry my Azurs: Spring and Summer. :cool:
I'm just not in love with this bag... it reminds me of referee stripes :huh: I will admit I have never seen this bag IRL so it may be look better in person??? Just my opinion, but I would pick something more practical, if practicality was an issue.
I don't have the issue of wearing it all year. I would and that would not bother me. I am just afraid that I will get sick of it after time....that my money might be better spent on something more basic?!? Ahh I just don't know! lol

not sure if you are like me but for me it does not matter what bag in time I want something new (not that i get sick of them just get bored)....bad thing is this happens monthly..LOL
Seeing the bag IRL and trying it on really changes a lot of my decisions. I used to have the Westminster on my wishlist but when I tried it on, it just didn't make my heart sing. I found it a bit too plain and had no pizzaz when it was on me. I have seen one on a friend and it looked good on her. Now that you have held and tried on the rayure, I say keep it only if it makes your heart sing. Otherwise, maybe look for another bag.