Any RGGH Pom Pon sightings in Seigle?

I know the only PomPon Bal London are stocking for FW 2010 is the Black RGGH, so no luck there... PomPons are notoriously difficult to track down! I'd :heart: one, esp with GGH, but the pennies won't stretch that far atm.
I don't think the us ball stores ordered any pome in the new fall/winter colors:sad:. I was in the bal lv store yesterday and I know they never ordered any new pons there...just a couple of mini poms
I was looking for a Anthra RGGH and came up with nothing. Most of the stores in the US didn't order any PomPoms for F/W, most of them ordered the Mini Pompom RH or SGH(very few with this hardware mostly only RH). I did manage to stumble a GGH pompom and snatched it up. Maybe you'll have better luck with a different hardware/color.