Any Hermes fans in Abu Dhabi or Dubai

What i heard, it is generally 1:1 for a non quota bag but i am not sure anymore. You can get a BKC as a tourist but you a certain amount of prespend. I was around 1:2,5- 1.3. There is an influencer that bought a lot of FJ and i just did the math
i heard the same that your spend needs to be at least 1:1 for any bag not just quota
Just chiming in to share my AD store experience. I spent a few months in AD recently, and tried to establish a local SA relationship, but I did not get a good vibe at that store. As compared to my experiences in NY and even Paris, the SAs just didn't seem that interested unless you were a BIG spender. I'm a regular shopper but I'm not spending 20k+ every visit. I just got the impression that unless you're spending a lot of money or just happen to really connect with an SA, getting sought after items will be difficult there given the low stock and high demand. And as others said, they didn't seem to have a good selection of anything else I really wanted to buy.