Alexandra (small size) 15273 Review

Warning, a bit pic heavy! I tried to include as many of the kinds of shots I know people are interested in.

I have never been much of a purse person, but was given a Coach certificate for my graduation and went a little crazy researching bags on TPF. I never thought I'd be the type to order a bag 2 months before it comes out or learn how to use drilldown until I saw epat 2007's gorgeous champagne Alexandra. So thanks to all of you.



Here's the front and back, it is a decent size purse.(11x11x5 according to JAx) I have taken it to the library with all my school notebooks, coffee mug (no leak style!), checkbook wallet, several books and it was still not full. My small laptop would not fit, but I'm sure a netbook would.


My favorite thing about this purse is that it can be worn three ways. As a satchel:


with a long strap/crossbody:


The long strap can be strapped along the bottom like a Sabrina.

and as a hobo!


Not sure if it is clear in that pic, but there is a small leather loop to facilitate hobo-wear:

Review: This bag is extremely comfortable in every way I have worn it. The cross body is useful for when it is loaded up, but the other two ways are also comfy. It fits magazines without rolling or folding. The color is gorgeous and somewhat unique; I have never seen a leather bag in quite this shade. The small pocket in the back is great for small things you don't want to root around for in the bag like keys. Downsides: Wearing as a hobo puts an unsightly bend in the long strap. Also, specific to this color, the SAs warned me about color transfer. All in all I love the bag! When I ordered mine from the store, the SA told me there were only 417 in this color left and would probably not go to stores.

Hope this is helpful to those who are interested!
Your bag is beautiful and I really appreciate all the pics! I must admit I did cringe when I read that you want to put a coffee mug in your bag. I just don't trust no leak mugs enough to put them inside a great bag like your Alexandra.
Congratulations on your graduation and welcome to the forum!

Congrats on the Alexandra-- she looks so good on you! I LOVE that color, and it seems like it is such a versatile size and shape. It looks like a good size bag, but you said it's the small size. Does that mean it comes in a larger size too?
Beautiful bag, and thanks for the review! Will you come back and update us after the leather has broken in and you've carried it for a while? I often wonder how bags hold up to use, do their straps remain comfortable, do you find yourself carrying them more or less often than you'd expected, things like that.
Congratulations on your graduation and welcome to the forum!

Congrats on the Alexandra-- she looks so good on you! I LOVE that color, and it seems like it is such a versatile size and shape. It looks like a good size bag, but you said it's the small size. Does that mean it comes in a larger size too?

From what I understand from the Fall collection thread, there is a larger size (#15272). I don't know much about it, but I was able to pull up a DD comparison:

(small size, the one i have)

(large size)