Alexander Skarsgård

I think it's a smart way for WB to start promotion, I wonder/hope if they'll do something similar here in the States.
It's low key, gets good buzz, and is fairly low cost. It's another little piece in the changing of people's mind from 'Do we need another Tarzan movie/the cgi sucks, etc.' to 'this doesn't look bad at all.'
Though note to WB, it would be nice if we actually got to hear Alex speak in the next trailer.
He's mentioned his Dad's love of Tarzan several times now, so I am hoping that Stellan is his date to the Tarzan premiere.

In the audio from the Q&A, they mentioned that they are going to tie the movie with an organization that helps elephants and do a campaign for them. It would be awesome to see Kristen BvS at the premiere too since she has dedicated so much time to awareness and saving elephants.
From The Library:

Alex is featured in the new “Svarta Lådan” (Black Box) music video for the Swedish band, Terra. It looks like old footage (2:37-2:50) from his younger Swedish goofball, “streaking” :- P days.

“..Göteborg band Terra's third single Black box itself is a prime example of that - lo and behold! - it’s not only girls who can make good pop music in this country nowadays.

But there is another, very compelling reason to see the daily fresh video. Alexander Skarsgard is (except for wearing a copy of history's ugliest garments - an old man's hat, that is) naked in it.”

Source: & YouTube
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Thanks, Kit.:smile:

New outtake from Alex's May 2010 photo shoot for Details Magazine:

"Alexander Skarsgard. #alexanderskarsgard #vampire #trueblood #calvinklein #details #fashion #portrait #normanjeanroy."

-normanjeanroy instagram


  • Alex-Norman.jpg
    56.6 KB · Views: 344
In the audio from the Q&A, they mentioned that they are going to tie the movie with an organization that helps elephants and do a campaign for them. It would be awesome to see Kristen BvS at the premiere too since she has dedicated so much time to awareness and saving elephants.

I had to go back and relisten, since I only got part of the national parks bit, the audio quaility for everyone but Margot and Alex being terrible.
It's a good thing, and yes, Kristen should be involved somehow.

From The Library:

Alex is featured in the new “Svarta Lådan” (Black Box) music video for the Swedish band, Terra. It looks like old footage (2:37-2:50) from his younger Swedish goofball, “streaking” :- P days.

“..Göteborg band Terra's third single Black box itself is a prime example of that - lo and behold! - it’s not only girls who can make good pop music in this country nowadays.

But there is another, very compelling reason to see the daily fresh video. Alexander Skarsgard is (except for wearing a copy of history's ugliest garments - an old man's hat, that is) naked in it.”

Source: & YouTube

That was ... different.

Thanks, Kit.:smile:

New outtake from Alex's May 2010 photo shoot for Details Magazine:

"Alexander Skarsgard. #alexanderskarsgard #vampire #trueblood #calvinklein #details #fashion #portrait #normanjeanroy."

-normanjeanroy instagram

This was a really nice photo shoot for him (us?), nice arm porn. Details as a magazine may be done, but I'll always remember it for giving us such a nice photo shoot.

I do wonder what magazines he'll be doing photo shoots/interviews for in the next couple of months. We've had a long, long dry spell in terms of that type of promo for him, but I'm presuming that we'll get something soon.
The Legend of Tarzan sneak peek report and Q&A with Margot Robbie, Alexander Skarsgard and David Yates
April 19, 2016 by Scott J. Davis 0 Comments

Even though it’s not out until July, Flickering Myth’s Scott J. Davis had the chance to see some early footage from the upcoming action adventure The Legend of Tarzan, which was screened in London this morning along with a special Q&A with the the film’s stars Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie and director David Yates.
The footage, still far from finished but nearing its completion, was a fully immersive one, with some sumptuous looks at the jungle surroundings where the action takes place. But rather than this being an origin story, the film looks more at Tarzan’s (Skarsgard) life after becoming Lord Greystoke and how events transpire for him and Jane (Robbie) to return to the jungle.
In the scenes we were shown, we see Tarzan as a young boy being rescued by a group of apes who take him in despite the reservations of one the tribes lead apes who sees him as an enemy. Later, we see Tarzan and George Washington Williams (Samuel L. Jackson), new compatriot of the vine-swinger, trying to catch up to a train full of generals and army men. “How do we catch a train going at 40mph?” says Williams. “Gravity” replies Tarzan as he jumps off a cliff face down hundreds of feet to the trees below as Williams eventually follows in an ungraceful manner.
And we were also introduced to the film’s villain, Captain Rom (Christoph Waltz) who is intent on capturing Tarzan, holding Jane hostage until he gets him. In one sequence shown, Rom and Jane share a very tense dinner with Rom laying out his plans, whilst a later shot sees Jane spit at Rom as she is held by his henchmen.
The footage climaxed with a stampede of animals hurtling towards the local town in a sequence reminiscent of the Wildebeest charge in Disney’s The Lion King, as Tarzan runs with them to try and save Jane. It’s certainly going to be the film’s stand-out sequence and while some of the footage we saw was still rough around the edges, it looks like The Legend of Tarzan is going to be something special.
On the film, director David Yates said that of all the script’s he receives, this one stood out: “I just fell in love with it… It’s epic but it had some great old-fashioned sensibilities but also had themes that were very connected to now.”
Margot Robbie, who plays Jane (who is already married to Tarzan) said of her character: “She’s fiercely independent but also very in love with her husband… She is very emotionally strong as Tarzan is physically strong and I felt it was very important that they were both strong in their own way.”
And while the physical side was important to capture the character, Skarsgard’s initial reaction was how interesting the take on the material was: “It’s such an iconic character and it’s a story that’s been told hundreds of times…then I opened the script and it’s Tarzan as John Clayton Greystoke…so we open the movie not in the jungle but in London and his journey and his arc is almost the opposite.”
You can listen to the full audio from the Q&A below (apologies in advance for the sound from David Yates, his microphone wasn’t working great and as such was quiet quiet during the talk):

Tku for posting all the great reviews of the q+a showing, so good to see such enthusiasm and praise. Tku2 for the audio, it's a shame the sound quality wasn't better but well worth struggling on with :cool: Fortunately, Alex's responses were very clear :smile:

Hi Zola24 'smile1:. I've sent you a message 'hugs'smooch'

Hiya Mik :smooch: I tried to send you a reply but your pm box is full :sad: Tsk! Some things never change! :hugs:

Ott: I was sorry to hear that Joe's not too well, I hope he recovers soon :smile:

In the audio from the Q&A, they mentioned that they are going to tie the movie with an organization that helps elephants and do a campaign for them. It would be awesome to see Kristen BvS at the premiere too since she has dedicated so much time to awareness and saving elephants.
Another good article about the Q&A yesterday. I don't think this one was posted. It references connecting the film to the STOP IVORY campaign.

What a totally random thing to put in a music video. I'm not complaining though ' 'p

I'm sure both Alex and Kristin thought of each other when the Stop Ivory campaign was mentioned, and I'm sure they'll meet up at one of the prem's if it's at all possible ;)

I thought the same, very random piece of film, lol. That's been around for a while and included right now!? Puts cynic's hat away, and just enjoys the pretty and young Alex's gorgeous giggly smile, whilst cursing that 'black box'!

Thanks, Kit.'smile1:

New outtake from Alex's May 2010 photo shoot for Details Magazine:

"Alexander Skarsgard. #alexanderskarsgard #vampire #trueblood #calvinklein #details #fashion #portrait #normanjeanroy."

-normanjeanroy instagram

Tku for the Details outtake, the Terra vid, and all the great q+a tweets and ig's :P
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I'm really late with this! Posted YESTERDAY







DVR REMINDER: The Diary of a Teenage Girl debuts on premium cable tomorrow (April 20th) on STARZ.

This fabulous award-winning film stars Bel Powley, Alexander Skarsgård, Kristen Wiig and Christopher Meloni. Marielle Heller directed and adapted the screenplay which was based on Phoebe Gloeckner’s book of the same name.

My screen caps of the Diary Blu-ray.

And look what appeared when I signed off tumblr! :giggles: Why I can never get off the internet!


Of course, no one wants to see Merchant Ivory’s Tarzan. “He plays the part of a Victorian lord really well,” Skarsgård said. “But he’s also not happy. And Jane can tell that he’s not happy. She’s not happy, either. They spent most of her childhood in Africa — that’s where they met.”
Enter Samuel L. Jackson’s George Washington Williams, who lures Clayton/Tarzan back to his homeland with news about the cruelty of the evil Captain Rom (Christoph Waltz), who’s based on the real-life Congo conqueror King Leopold II. “People are going to learn something about King Leopold, and the Holocaust that was happening in the world, and how many animals he killed in his quest for diamonds, ivory, and rubber,” said Jackson (who, incidentally, revealed that he did drop a few f-bombs during filming, but doesn’t know if any will make the PG-13 release’s final cut.)..

It doesn’t take too long before Tarzan is back where he belongs, shedding his shirt, swinging through the trees, and howling his head off. Skarsgård, who promoted the film by going pants-less at the MTV Movie Awards earlier in April, wouldn’t say too much about perfecting the iconic yell, saying only that it was all about trying out various “guttural, primal screams.”
Said Jackson of Skarsgård’s attempts: “We made fun of it and played around with it quite a bit. I did it myself a couple times, and they were like, 'No, you can’t do it.’”
Thanks, ladies.:smile:

The photo was taken on Monday afternoon (April 18, 2016) and shared on instagram this morning (April 21, 2016):

“Talking gorillas & (half) naked men in movies with Alexander Skarsgård. # london # legend of tarzan # alexander skarsgard.”

-pamelapianezza instagram


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Life is just a party/And parties weren't meant to last

RIP Prince.

2016 can go f*ck itself. This one hurts. I know what will be on rotation in my house today. A true master of music and a genius. RIP.

OMG! I was devastated to hear the news of Prince's passing! Both his way with music and words will truly be missed. RIP Prince Rogers Nelson.